Parkinson’s Disease Dementia

July 23, 2010

Although the main symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease include slowness of movement, comprised balance, rigid muscles, and tremor, approximately 20% of people with Parkinson’s will develop Parkinson’s Disease Dementia. Dementia is a less common feature of Parkinson’s Disease, and there is usually a 10 to 15 year lag time between a patient’s Parkinson’s diagnosis and the onset of dementia.

Some signs of dementia in Parkinson’s patients include the following:

  • Memory Problems
  • Distractibility
  • Confusion
  • Moodiness
  • Slowed Thinking

Some researchers compare Parkinson’s Disease Dementia to the rate of decline seen in patients with Alzheimer’s Disease. I helped my parents care for my grandmother, who suffered from Alzheimer ’s Disease, when I was a teenager. I know firsthand how horrific dementia can be for both the patient and their loved ones. My grandmother also developed tremors and the inability to eat normally during the last few years of her life, when she lived with a caregiver and did not even remember her own family.

Here at Awareness Gift Boutique, we are committed to raising awareness of causes that matter—such as Parkinson’s Disease. If you or a loved one are living with Parkinson’s Disease, we fully support you and your desire to fight for their cause.

Our exclusive line of Parkinson’s Disease awareness T-shirts and other apparel, gifts and merchandise includes eye-catching grey Parkinson’s Disease awareness ribbons along with supportive slogans and inspirational messages. Join us in our fight against Parkinson’s and view the following items:

Hope Matters Butterfly Parkinson’s Disease Shirt by Awareness Gift Boutique

Hope Matters Butterfly Parkinson's Disease Shirt

Hope Matters Butterfly Parkinson's Disease Shirt

Fight Like A Girl 5.3 Parkinson’s Disease T-shirt by Awareness Gift Boutique

Fight Like A Girl 5.3 Parkinson's Disease T-shirt by Awareness Gift Boutique

Fight Like A Girl 5.3 Parkinson's Disease T-shirt by Awareness Gift Boutique

Real Heroes Become Angels Parkinson’s Disease Tee Shirt by Awareness Gift Boutique

Real Heroes Become Angels Parkinson's Disease Tee Shirt

Real Heroes Become Angels Parkinson's Disease Tee Shirt

Thank you for visiting our blog!

The informational content of this blog is intended to convey general educational information and should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional healthcare advice.

Parkinson’s Disease Risk Factors

June 24, 2010

Although an official cause of Parkinson’s Disease has yet to be identified, a number of risk factors are clearly evident:

  • Age: Although some people do develop Parkinson’s Disease as a young adult (as was the case with actor Michael J. Fox) the average age of Parkinson’s Disease onset is 55. Older adults are typically at higher risk of Parkinson’s Disease than younger adults.

  • Gender: Women do develop Parkinson’s, but the condition is more common in men.

  • Heredity: Having one or more close relatives with Parkinson’s Disease may increase your risk of developing the condition yourself. However, people with siblings or parents that developed Parkinson’s at a relatively young age have a higher risk for developing the disease, as opposed to people with relatives that developed Parkinson’s when they were older when seem to have an average risk of developing the condition.

  • Race / Ethnicity: African Americans and Asian Americans appear to have a lower risk of developing Parkinson’s Disease than Caucasians.

A few “protective factors” of Parkinson’s Disease have also been discovered:

  • Smoking: Cigarette smokers appear to have a 40% lower risk for developing Parkinson’s disease than non-smokers. This finding is not supposed to be an excuse to smoke and studies on nicotine and Parkinson’s are very new.
  • Coffee Drinkers: Some studies have found that people who regularly drink coffee have about a 30% lower risk of developing Parkinson’s than non-coffee drinkers.

Here at Awareness Gift Boutique, we have immeasurable respect for Parkinson’s Disease patients and their family and friends. We are a group of cancer survivors, survivor spouses, and advocates for all things that deserve awareness– including Parkinson’s Disease.

We strive to help you raise awareness of Parkinson’s Disease with our wide variety of Parkinson’s Disease awareness apparel and gift items, which includes the following:

I NEED A CURE 1 PARKINSON’S DISEASE T-Shirts by Awareness Gift Boutique



Girl Interrupted 1 Parkinsons Disease Tee Shirt by Awareness Gift Boutique

Girl Interrupted 1 Parkinsons Disease Tee Shirt

Girl Interrupted 1 Parkinsons Disease Tee Shirt

Parkinsons Disease I WEAR GREY For My Daughter-In- Tshirt by Awareness Gift Boutique

Parkinsons Disease I WEAR GREY For My Daughter-In- Tshirt

Parkinsons Disease I WEAR GREY For My Daughter-In- Tshirt

The informational content of this blog is intended to convey general educational information and should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional healthcare advice.

Parkinson’s Disease Knows No Boundaries

May 16, 2010

What do Janet Reno, Billy Graham, and Muhammad Ali have in common? All three – a former Attorney General of the United States, a preacher, and a World Heavyweight Champion – suffer from Parkinson’s disease. The famous country singer Johnny Cash also developed Parkinson’s before his death, and actor Michael J. Fox has become a Parkinson’s Advocate ever since publicly announcing he has the condition as well.

Those names are just additional proof that Parkinson’s Disease, a degenerative disorder of the nervous system that affects a person’s motor skills, speech, and various bodily functions, knows no boundaries. Parkinson’s can affect people of both sexes and all races, and living with Parkinson’s Disease is a daily struggle because there is no cure.

Awareness Gift Boutique asks you to join us as we stand up and support all those who live with Parkinson’s disease, as well as their caretakers, friends, and family. Pin on your gray Parkinson’s support ribbon to show the world you care. Awareness Gift Boutique also offers a wide variety of Parkinson’s Disease Awareness apparel and merchandise, and you may also enjoy some of the following shirts:





Parkinson’s Disease Chick Interrupted 2 Tee Shirt by Awareness Gift Boutique

Parkinson’s Disease Chick Interrupted 2 Tee Shirt

Parkinson’s Disease Chick Interrupted 2 Tee Shirt





Stop  back often and view all of the beautiful Parkinson’s Disease support merchandise that we offer. Our T-shirts can be personalized, and if you need something that you cannot find, just ask! Don’t forget: if you’re in need of a large quantity of shirts for your upcoming Parkinson’s Disease fundraiser, don’t forget that we offer discounts for group orders!

The informational content of this blog is intended to convey general educational information and should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional healthcare advice.

World Parkinson’s Day 2010: Stand up and Support those Who Live with Parkinson’s Disease

April 7, 2010

Spring is in the air, and it’s also time to stand up and show Parkinson’s Disease who’s boss!

April is National Parkinson’s Disease Awareness Month and April 11th marks World Parkinson’s Day.

World Parkinson’s Day is held annually in order to boost awareness of the disorder and encourage new research and innovations in Parkinson’s awareness and treatments. That said, April 11th should be recognized as a special day of advocacy for every single person who is living with Parkinson’s Disease, as well as their families and loved ones.

Please stand tall, wear your gray ribbons, and join Awareness Gift Boutique in showing your support for that special someone in your life this April, as well as the millions of other people around the world that also have Parkinson’s Disease. We are proud to do our part in spreading awareness of Parkinson’s Disease and all other causes that matter.

Our exclusive line of Parkinson’s Disease Awareness Products includes shirts and other apparel as well as gifts and merchandise that all showcase the fact that we care. Many of our products can be personalized for your needs. We’re fighting for a cure for Parkinson’s Disease along with all of you, and together we can make a difference!

These T-shirts are perfect for Parkinson’s Disease Awareness Month, World Parkinson’s Day, or your next Parkinson’s Disease fundraiser:

Awareness PD T-Shirt



In The Fight Against Parkinson’s Disease GRANDMA T-shirt

In The Fight Against Parkinson’s Disease GRANDMA T-shirt

In The Fight Against Parkinson’s Disease GRANDMA T-shirt

Be sure to visit Awareness Gift Boutique for all your cancer and disease awareness and support shirts & gifts. We are proud to be “Creating Awareness for Those Matters that Matter.”

The informational content of this blog is intended to convey general educational information and should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional healthcare advice.

Fighting for a Cure for Parkinson’s Disease!

March 12, 2010

Michael J. Fox is a well-known, well-respected Hollywood actor that has been living with Parkinson’s disease since 1991. He announced his condition publicly in 1998 and immediately become an advocate for Parkinson’s awareness and a search for a Parkinson’s cure. He currently helps run a non-profit organization for Parkinson’s. Until Michael J. Fox’s campaign efforts began, many people were under-educated and even afraid of the condition.

This does not have to be the case. Learning a little bit about something is one of the best ways to help ease your fears.

Parkinson’s is a degenerative disorder of the central nervous system, which means that it is a condition that is a muscle disorder. People with Parkinson’s typically experience “tremors” or shaking, muscle instability, and impaired speech and motor skills. These are just a few of the things Parkinson’s patients must live with on a daily basis, as Parkinson’s is a chronic condition with no cure.

We at Awareness Gift Boutique are advocates of many causes, including Parkinson’s Awareness. We are survivors, loved ones, and family members of Parkinson’s patients and spreading the word about the condition and publicizing the Parkinson’s support gray ribbon is just one way that we can help. Our boutique offers a wide selection of apparel and gift items, many of which can be personalized, including:

Cure Parkinson’s Disease Mugs

Cure Parkinson's Disease Mug

Cure Parkinson's Disease Mugs

Parkinson’s Disease Butterfly Magnets

Parkinson's Disease Butterfly Magnets

Parkinson's Disease Butterfly Magnets

Family Square Parkinson’s Disease Hoodie

Family Square Parkinson's Disease Hoodie

Family Square Parkinson's Disease Hoodie

Visit us at Awareness Gift Boutique to view the rest of our Parkinson’s Awareness gifts and surprise someone special with a little special something!

The informational content of this blog is intended to convey general educational information and should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional healthcare advice.